2020年4月14日 星期二

💪😇🇺🇲美國第一千金👸伊凡卡,在Telegram的武漢中共肺炎病毒(COVID19)的防疫訊息。20200414,Ivanka Marie Trump:

⏩As we enter the new week, let’s keep ourselves and each other safe by following CDC’s recommendation to wear a face covering when out in public to help protect the most vulnerable from #COVID19.

You can find instructions online to make your own cloth mask. (I made Arabella’s and she made mine — and yes, she stitched USA on it!!) Remember, while face coverings/ masks are helpful, there’s no substitute for social distancing!
Let’s protect and take care of one another! 💛



⏩【Google 英翻中譯文】:

您可以在線找到說明以製作自己的布口罩。 (我製造了阿拉貝拉的產品,她製造了我的產品-是的,她在上面縫了美國的東西!)請記住,儘管面罩/口罩很有用,但沒有替代品可以消除社交距離!
讓我們互相保護,互相照顧! 💛


