2020年11月28日 星期六

★【大鵬金翅迦樓羅,護法如日耀大千。】Itooshii Hito No Tame Ni , Akemi Satou(佐藤明美)。Fushigi Yuugi(夢幻遊戲;ふしぎ遊戯)OP. 20120214, Phoenix83189 :




Master Yoda VS Count Dooku, Star Wars Attack Of The Clones. 20190901 ,Filmic Box :


💪😇🌝😍幫助他們完成奇蹟!Help Them Accomplish Wonders!!!⏩Superman's First Flight Scene,Man Of Steel. 20160930, Flashback FM 🖐️🤴👸💐🌹🌺🌷🌸🏵️🌻🌼💮☀️🌈💜💙💚💛🧡❤️💖💝💕 :




2020年11月27日 星期五





SIDNEY POWELL’S “KRAKEN” IS DOD CYBER WARFARE PROGRAM! WE ARE AT WAR! 【悉尼·鮑威爾的“毀滅性(海妖)”是網絡戰計劃!我們在戰爭中!】November 22, 2020. From 20201125, President Donald J. Trump :

⏩Holy Radar – that’s the Kraken!!! Who knew it is a Department of Defense Cyber Warfare Program? It Tracks Systems and aquires evidence of nefarious activities and crimes committed by The Deep State!
When Sidney Powell stated she HAS RELEASED THE KRAKEN, most of us thought of Clash of the Titans and cheered her on for her gutsy remark. She never blinked and held a stern, a serious face when she said it. She wasn’t joking and now we know why! The “Kraken” is  a Department of Defense-run cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by the deep state!President Trump and the loyal patriots in the Military and Space Command now have all the evidence of voter fraud and election related treason. This will be used against the enemies of America!
What we are witnessing with the 2020 elections is NOT an election. We are witnessing the attempt of the overthrow of the United States Government. The CIA, FBI and DOJ are full of Treasonous Swamp Rats that are intent on stealing the Presidential seat, and taking over America for the global order. They are wicked globalist puppets who are boldly pushing their coup to destroy America and implement a global reset and usher in United Nations Agenda 2030 which is the revised version of sustainable development Agenda 21. They are in lockstep throwing all their punches at unsuspecting Americans while nations around the world are doing the very same lockdowns on their citizens. Will they succeed? The answer is NO!

“Should any maligned actors underestimate our resolve or attempt to undermine our efforts, we will not hesitate to restore deterrents and defeat any and all threats. “
Certain sectors of Special Forces Operations now report directly to Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller. They are aligned with Trump, the Constitution and the defending of America against its enemies, both foreign and domestic. So don’t panic and fear not. President Trump is in control and the battle lines are drawn. The Kraken has been released and it has everything. Special Forces assets are now being deployed to take down America’s domestic enemies and traitors.
Read full report at this link http://tapnewswire.com/2020/11/intelligence-update-the-great-reset-vs-the-great-awakening-the-grand-battle-taking-place-right-now-for-the-future-of-america-and-the-free-world/
Sidney Powell declared that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election” – which is exactly what the truth bearing media has been warning about for over a decade. (Elections have been rigged for at least the last twenty years, and probably longer…)
Fake news and the entire media cartel continues to lie to America and withhold all the overwhelming evidence of election fraud. This is nothing short of assisting in a government overthrow. Treason is the only way to describe it. However, I’m sure there are some that believe what they are told to read and others who are clueless and just go to work, do their job and collect a paycheck. The same as the grunts committing voter fraud on the front lines by following illegal procedures as though they were authentic and legal. Many just don’t know and others simply don’t care.
As long as fake news continues to lie to the American public, it is nothing short in a time of war such as we are into, as an act of betrayal and considered enemies of the people. Now I am not shouting for war, it has already been declared and those who resist have been told re-education awaits them along with other horrid ideas the Left has been leaking out daily. It’s all really, really bad and not to be laughed at.
Jeffrey Prather explains the “Kraken” and describes, “The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening” He has released a bombshell video where he sums up the real war taking place behind the scenes: “The Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening.”
As he explains it, the CIA, FBI and DOJ are all treasonous swamp creatures who are dedicated to bringing down America, stealing the election, and imprisoning all the real patriots such as Gen. Flynn (and Roger Stone). Meanwhile, certain sectors of special forces operations and now Chris Miller as Acting Defense Secretary, are all aligned with Trump, the Constitution and defending America against its enemies, both foreign and domestic.
The entire video can be viewed at this link: The Great Reset: The Deep State vs the Great Awakening – YouTube
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Read article on “Army Releases The Kraken To Protect Foreign Fire Bases at this link: Army Releases The Kraken To Protect Foreign Fire Bases; ‘I’d Like To See The Taliban Try To Attack This Place’ « Breaking Defense – Defense industry news, analysis and commentary
To think that the deep state has infiltrated so deep it had operatives at every stronghold and to consider let alone to know it is a fact that the deep state was so bold to pull a massive government take down on the scale they are attempting is more than disturbing. Wake up people and call these globalists out now and help save the United States of America and the World at large!
Dianne Marshall
◆【Google英翻中參考譯文】:悉尼·鮑威爾(SIDNEY POWELL)的“毀滅性”是網絡戰計劃!我們在戰爭中!
當西德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell)說她已經解除了海妖時,我們大多數人都想到了《泰坦之戰》,並為她的勇敢言論加油打氣。她從不眨眨眼,並嚴厲地表情嚴肅。她不是在開玩笑,現在我們知道為什麼了! “ Kraken”是美國國防部運行的網絡戰計劃,該計劃跟踪併入侵各種其他系統,以獲取深國實施邪惡行動的證據!特朗普總統和軍事與太空司令部的忠實愛國者現在擁有所有證據,選民欺詐和與選舉有關的叛國罪。這將被用來對抗美國的敵人!
我們在2020年選舉中所看到的不是選舉。我們目睹了推翻美國政府的企圖。中央情報局,聯邦調查局和司法部到處充斥著“千篇一律的沼澤老鼠”,意在搶奪總統席位,並接管美國以實現全球秩序。他們是邪惡的全球化主義者,他們大膽地推動政變摧毀美國並實施全球重置,並迎來了《聯合國2030年議程》,這是《 21世紀可持續發展議程》的修訂版。他們正緊緊抓住自己的拳頭,向毫無戒備的美國人發起挑戰。世界各地的公民都受到同樣的封鎖。他們會成功嗎?答案是不!

“如果任何殘酷的行為者低估了我們的決心或破壞我們的努力,我們將毫不猶豫地恢復威懾力量,戰勝任何和所有威脅。 “
席德尼·鮑威爾(Sidney Powell)宣稱:“選舉中插入了一種算法來竊取特朗普總統的選票” –這恰恰是有傳言的媒體十多年來一直在警告真相。 (選舉至少在過去二十年中受到操縱,而且可能更長……)
杰弗裡·普拉瑟(Jeffrey Prather)解釋了“克拉肯”,並描述了“大復位與大覺醒”。他發布了一個重磅炸彈的視頻,總結了幕後發生的真實戰爭:“大復位與大覺醒”。
正如他所解釋的那樣,中央情報局,聯邦調查局和司法部都是叛逆的沼澤生物,他們致力於推翻美國,搶奪選舉權和監禁所有真正的愛國者,例如弗林將軍(和羅傑·斯通)。同時,特種部隊的某些部門以及現在的克里斯·米勒(Chris Miller)擔任代理國防部長,都與特朗普,憲法保持一致,並捍衛美國免受國內外敵人的侵害。
可以在以下鏈接上觀看整個視頻:偉大的重置:深層狀態與偉大的覺醒– YouTube
Kraken Krew Flash V2士氣補丁Prometheus設計
在此鏈接上閱讀有關“陸軍釋放保護國外火力基地的海妖”的文章:陸軍釋放保護國外火力基地的海妖; “我想看到塔利班試圖攻擊這個地方”«打破防禦-國防工業新聞,分析和評論
想想更不要說知道這是一個事實了,事實是,這個深厚的國家如此大膽地將大規模的政府推倒到他們試圖採取的規模上,這不但令人不安。 喚醒人們,立即召集這些全球主義者,幫助拯救美利堅合眾國和全世界!
黛安·馬歇爾(Dianne Marshall)

RT @LLinWood: https://t.co/8QR5S3tQmN


2020年11月21日 星期六

💪😇 川普總統宣布,2021年01月01日起,🇺🇲美國大幅降低處方藥價格。20201121,大紀元:


★【耶穌基督昨日、今日、一直到永遠,是一樣的。】聖經希伯來書13:8,現代標點和合本。【Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yea and for ever.】Bible Hebrews 13:8 English Revised Version :



😇🇺🇲Dear USA Is Mighty Hippo. 😈🇨🇳Evil CCP Is Hypocritical Crocodile.【😇🇺🇲親愛的美國是強大的河馬。😈🇨🇳邪惡的中共是偽善的鱷魚。】⏩Hippos Save Wildebeest From Crocodiles! 【河馬們從鱷魚群中拯救牛羚。】20180522, Kruger Sightings :


💪😇🇺🇲🤴☀️“President Trump has done many great things (biggest tax & regulation cuts in history, Space Force, rebuilding our military, fixing the V.A., the Wall), but perhaps the most important of all will be what he is doing now, exposing the massive corruption in our Electoral Process.”【“川普總統做了很多偉大的事情(歷史上最大的稅收和法規削減,太空部隊,重建我們的軍隊,修復維吉尼亞州,隔離牆),但也許最重要的將是他現在正在做的事情,暴露出巨大的 選舉過程中的腐敗。”】20201122, Donald J. Trump :

