2020年6月17日 星期三

😍🙏Black churches are great forces for justice, love, equality and human dignity in our nation. I am grateful for the candid discussion and opportunity to learn. 😇🙏20200617,尊貴的😍美國第一千金👸伊凡卡🇺🇲官方Telegram💜💙💚💛🧡❤️💖💝💗💕:

⏩Thank you Bishop Mann for hosting us at the Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ in Pittsburgh, PA.
Through amazing faith-based organizations such as yours our #FarmerstoFamilies Food Box program has delivered over 20 Million boxes of fresh fruit 🍎 veggies 🌽 meat 🥩 and dairy🥛 to families in need since launched just 4 weeks ago!

Visiting your church today allowed me to listen and learn from faith & community leaders how together we can bring about healing and holistic revitalization to underserved communities across the nation.

Black churches are great forces for justice, love, equality and human dignity in our nation. I am grateful for the candid discussion and opportunity to learn. 🙏 📷 1 & 3 @apnews @al_drago


自四周前推出以來,我們的#FarmerstoFamilies Food Box計劃通過令人敬畏的基於信仰的組織,為需要幫助的家庭提供了超過2000萬箱的新鮮水果,蔬菜,肉類和奶製品。


黑人教會是我們國家正義,愛心,平等和人的尊嚴的強大力量。 我感謝坦誠的討論和學習的機會。


