2021年6月20日 星期日

美國拜登總統早在2020年06月就已中風癱瘓,目前由🇺🇲美國特勤局與FBI看守🤪真拜登。而且,🤴川普團隊認為🥸戴特務面具的假拜登,是現年82歲的C級演員亞瑟•羅伯茲(Arthur Roberts)。20210621,觀察中國 Observe China :


⏩ 英中對照譯文如下:
On Wednesday at the G7 Summit in Helsinki, Joseph R. Biden met his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, for the first time since illegitimately taking office on January 20. However, persons involved in the Deep State purge are convinced that the man who met Putin was not Biden at all, but rather a body double wearing a prosthetic mask that perfectly mimicked Biden’s countenance.

Biden Body Double Meets Vlad Putin
Michael Baxter -
June 18, 2021

A Mar-a-Lago source speaking under promise of anonymity told Real Raw News that the real Joseph R. Biden could not have attended the meeting—or the summit—because he has been hospitalized at Walter Reed Medical Center since June 1, when he purportedly had a massive stroke that left him(even more) feeble and paralyzed below the waist. Our source said Biden’s faux administration and the mainstream media have conspired to hide Biden’s illness while deciding whether to instate Kamala Harris as president or pass the presidential reigns to someone else.

“Donald Trump obtained a copy of the meeting, and his team rigorously scrutinized it. The guy looked like Biden, sounded like Biden, walked like Biden, talked Like Biden. But it wasn’t Biden. Careful examination of the video showed the double had a small earpiece each ear. One was likely for Russian translation, and the other probably got instructions what to say,” our source said.

Asked to speculate why, if Biden’s health is gravely compromised, the Deep State hadn’t invoked the 25th Amendment and sent Harris to Helsinki, our source made the following observation: “Because they know that Putin would never, ever, not in a million years, accept Harris as a person of authority. If they paraded her out, he would taken it as a personal slight. Mind you, using an actor was a huge risk. Putin is no dullard. He’s former KGB. But the body double was apparently taught Biden’s mannerisms very well, and it fooled Putin. If they can fool him, imagine how easy it is to fool so many Americans, especially with the MSM on their side.”

Moreover, Trump’s team has reportedly identified the body double. He is 82-year-old Arthur Roberts, a C-grade actor whose greatest claim to fame was portraying the evil ninja, Braden, in the 1983 martial arts film Revenge of the Ninja. Our source would not expound on how Trump’s people arrived at that conclusion but said they believe that Biden has several facsimiles. Although Roberts’ IMDB page lists his height at 6-foot-2, in 1995 he suffered a severe spinal compression injury that reduced his height by approximately 2 inches. Joseph Biden is reportedly six feet tall.

“Trump has very good evidence that Biden’s still in the hospital and under Secret Service and FBI guard. The Deep State’s problem is its overconfidence—thinks it’s invincible. But it’s only a matter of time, getting shorter, before all this comes to light,” our source said.



一位不願透露姓名的Mar-a-Lago消息人士告訴Real Raw News,真正的約瑟夫-R-拜登不可能參加這次會議--或者峰會--因為他自6月1日以來一直在沃爾特-裏德醫療中心住院,據說當時他得了大面積中風,導緻他(甚至更多)身體虛弱,腰部以下癱瘓。我們的消息來源說,拜登的假政府和主流媒體合謀隱瞞拜登的病情,同時決定是讓卡瑪拉-哈裏斯擔任總統,還是將總統大權交給其他人。





